




જગન્નાથજીની પૂરી રથયાત્રા લાઇવ જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો



જગન્નાથજીની અમદાવાદ રથયાત્રા લાઇવ જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

List of Gandhinagar District Fair Social Sciences Teachers with Sequence Nos. 1 to 25 contact each other and fight for justice. On the 16th there is a camp in Gandhinagar district.  Teachers are included in 5th to 6th. These are our rightful places and those places should be shown in the camp but they are not shown so that we do not get the benefit of district transfer. 31/5/2021 Many teachers have retired which are vacant.  If we take back the teachers, a lot of vacancies will open up. Despite 22 years of service, we do not get the benefit of district transfer and if we do not seek our justice, all these vacancies will be filled directly in the camp and what will not happen for twenty-five years will be vacated.  Contact and try to seek justice

Success in the true sense is not measured by how high we have achieved in life, but by the number of times we have fallen and stood in the path of life.  The success of a person is judged by his ability to rise after falling.

️ Success comes from the desire to do something and failure comes from the desire not to do anything. If there is willpower in life then success is there and if there is no will then success is also impossible.

There is no difference between strength and intelligence in successful life and unsuccessful life.  Strength and intelligence are found in abundance even in unsuccessful people, but if there is one main difference between them, then it is strong will power.

️ One surefire mantra to get success in life is that we just keep following the advice that we often give to people.

The day a man learns to follow the advice he gives to others, his success will also be assured.


# Social stubbornness

       A little bit of Corona's fear subsided and they came 'there were there'.  Twelve of the relatives who died a couple of months ago began to do.  No day will be good for this people.  If two-five rupees is in the pocket, then it is twelve, to do dada? ..

      In the serious situation that took place, people have died due to lack of facilities.  Instead of spending money on such grandfathers, twelfths, buy and donate things so that tomorrow no one will have to lose a relative.

     In memory of your relatives, make a water festival or a platform for birds in a government school.  Make permanent cold water facilities in places like a government hospital, bus station.  Build a school gate in the name of your relatives.

      If there is a seriously ill poor person, pay for his medicine.

      Build terraces in the yard or in your own area, put up a plaque bearing the name of your relative.

      The society will forget talking to relatives for two-five days.  Don't look at their words and deeds, if you do any of the above, people will remember your relatives for years.  People who drank water on the sidewalk and danced on the platform will ask about him. Who were they? ..

      If you get a good education because of the fees you pay, the family, the children will be grateful to you, your relatives and you for the rest of your life.

     The rest of the relatives, the society is going to eat your food and throw it out the next day.  Toi would say the same thing, the vegetable was fiku.  Oil, salt was low.  Vegetable ghee was pampered.  Sari or thali was very cheap.

     So understand that work has been closed for a year and a half.  People are broken financially, physically, and mentally.  Save money at such times.  Will come in handy.  What will society say?  Don't think so.  And you and I are the root of this society, aren't we?  You decide what you want to do.  Society will speak from all sides ....

     How many of these people came to your aid when your relatives were so close to death?  Were they living in fear?  So if such people were telling you today for twelfth, grandfather, they would not believe such people ...

      Save the father and family members while they are alive, do not incur such expenses after death.


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