Expensive allowance of Gujarat government employees will be increased from July


Expensive allowance of Gujarat government employees will be increased from July



Expensive allowance of Gujarat government employees will be increased from July. More than 11 lakh employees and half allowance will be applicable from July 1, 2061. The state government's revenue is more than three lakh retired employees.  .  Corona has raised the rate from 5 per cent in 2020 to around 5 per cent in a good year for employees and pensioners and now it will be 4 per cent by June 30, with the expectation of getting an increase in the basic salary.  The state government will implement costly allowances on a central basis. From July, state government employees will not get a paycheck but will get the benefit of an increased percentage.  Stage inflation is considered to be a deferred price.  Sources in the government said that Mujne is in the state.  The current period ends in June.  The government wants to give the benefit from the 1st of July, but the benefit of a fixed percentage (a slab of inflation allowance, including inflation?).  G Ray Hojiwala GIDC has taken the direction of giving Sachin.  Average rate of allowance of 6 phases every six months  Plot in Industrial - The state is probably the first to hire 2100 kt for rent, which is a simultaneous increase in inflation allowance of 3% per month.  Inflation will be as high as 3% in a year and a half.

The bigger the goal, the bigger the path and the more obstacles will come.  Normal self-confidence is not a very high level of self-confidence.  There was disappointment even for a moment, while the goal would be difficult and far away.
  If man's true companion and anyone who can handle him in every situation, then he is confident.  Self-confidence gathers all our scattered consciousness and energy towards the goal.

  Spiritual weakness comes from being more dependent on others.  Also, small obstacles come that distract you in the moment.  Trust yourself  There is nothing in the world that is greater than your resolve.


It is very easy to evaluate one's actions but it is very difficult to do those tasks yourself.  Our biggest problem is that we are not satisfied with the work done by others and we do not want to work ourselves.  We easily deny anyone's work that this work should not have happened.  It would have been better if we had done it this way.
  Often we fall behind in life because we are so busy meddling in the lives of others that there is no time to take our life forward and think about it.
  Removal is not a big deal, but it is a big thing to show and cooperate with that work yourself.  Do you ever think that before assessing and criticizing a person, are you perfect in yourself?

Nobody sees your eyes.
  Every person is saying that time is bad!

A fire burns him who goes to him, but anger burns itself.  If you hand readers on the ground, you will get hurt first.  The anger makes others suffer, first hurting themselves.

  Even if you have strength and have the ability to take revenge from your opponent, forgive him, because anger is very bad.  If you abandon anger and say what you want to say peacefully, then half of the problems will be solved automatically, for which you are restless.

  What is the greatness in this that you take revenge on the evil doer.  Even an ant can do this.  The big one is the one who empowers his enemies.  Look at the earth, you dig it and it produces food instead.  When you press the sugarcane, sweet juice drips from it.

   The one who harms you is poor, weak, cowardly, because only weak souls harm others.  Forgive these poor people, it is no bravery to wield a sword on the blind.  You can be happy for a few hours on revenge, but the pleasure you will get by forgiving will last for a long time.

Expensive allowance of Gujarat government employees will be increased from July

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